Three P’S of School
Principles and Policies – Special Instructions for Students
Every member of the school is a responsible person and he/she should ensure that any breach of discipline is prevented. If not preventable, then it must be reported to the concerned authority without delay. Pride in the school and in the people should prevent any member of the school from doing anything that would cause harm to the institution.
- All students must carry their school Almanac and Identity Card to school every day.
- Students, who come on their own, should arrive well before the reporting time.
- Students, who come to school escorted, should never leave before the escort arrives.In case of any delay, they should report to the school office.
- Students are allowed to use the school telephone only with the permission of the class teacher/academic coordinator.
- The school does not permit the celebration of birthdays on the school campus.Private birthday invitation should be mailed, rather than passed in class unless the whole is invited. Parents are allowed to send at the most two ordinary sweets per child to be distributed on the child’s birthday. No other outside food is permitted.
- Use of appropriate language is expected at all times. Bullying, ragging and extortion are prohibited. There is to be NO violence at any time.
- Students are expected to be polite and proper with all the staff on campus.
- Alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, firearms, lethal weapons, drugs, pornographic literature,pets, matchboxes, lighters etc, are totally forbidden.
- Electronic items like Discman, Walkman, i-pod and cell phones are not permitted.
- Cash is not permitted and betting in any form is prohibited.
- There should be no distinction in terms of religion, caste, income group, region,colour, creed etc.
Our Belief and Philosophy
- Every child is unique: It is a well-known fact that no two thumbprints are alike. In the same way, we believe that every child is born with a unique personality. Each child has a unique DNA and brain network that dictates the manner, in which he/she assimilates, processes and reacts to stimuli.
- Education should foster real understanding: Understanding is different from knowledge. While knowledge relies on memory, understanding relies on conceptual clarity. Mount Litera Zee School aims to apply our belief that ‘Education should foster real understanding through our proprietary content and assessment tools’.
- Real understanding through an integrated approach: A school is a micro-system where different factors have an effect on the child. The teachers, the curriculum,examinations, the environment, the infrastructure, the activities all come together to nurture the unique potential of the child.
Dress & Apperance
- Students are expected to dress and behave in a manner appropriate to the membership of the school and are required to be neat and clean in their general appearances.
- While on the school campus or in school transport, all students must be in their designated school uniform.
- If for some reason a child is unable to wear his/her uniform, special permission needs to be taken from the class teacher.
- Students are not allowed to wear ostentatious or expensive jewellery, expensive watches, wristbands, chains and similar accessories.
To The Parents
- The Almanac has been introduced for you and the school staff to communicate effectively. It is essential for you to go through your child’s almanac every day.
- Do sign the remarks, if any, so that we know that you have read them. Please use the space provided whenever you wish to communicate with the teacher.
- You are encouraged to visit the school to discuss the child’s performance with the concerned teacher with prior appointment and confirmation.
Visit the School
The Parents are encouraged to visit the school to discuss the child’s performance with the concerned teachers. As part of the school’s security system, all visitors to the school will check-in at the security office. Visitors will be given a badge for identification. After completion of the visit, visitors are required to return the badge to the concerned office and check out of the building. This procedure must be strictly observed for the safety of the students. Parents and guardians are not allowed to see students or teachers during class hours without the permission of the Principal. Accordingly, all visitors are requested to come to the school only with prior appointment and confirmation.