
Formulation of portfolio is advised to expand the extent of education and deliver distinct academic results by analysing a variety of student review posts being evaluated.
What is a Portfolio?
- A portfolio is a useful compilation of willfully elected student’s activity portraying a range of reviews accumulated over time with details of the learner’s struggles, improvements, maturity and accomplishments in essential learning areas. It is an efficient mechanism for evaluating a mixture of talents in a single framework.
- The evaluation involves self and peer assessment and is promoted as a supporter of the new strategies that highlight student’s part in assembling information and comprehension.
- As a simpler approach in the starting years, it is recommended that the portfolio should be in the form of a diary or a record that includes student activities chosen inside a logical frame along with their reflections. The child will be an active participator involved in assembling his/her journey through the whole portfolio building process of electing, planning and pondering.
- The portfolio can be seen dually as a process and a product. As a product, it serves as the performance report and certificates produced by the student during his/her learning course and represents a collection of their learning achievements. It also allows the students to observe their education regularly, ponder on their results, redirect their energies and set future goals, as a process.
Why Create A Portfolio?
In the general sense, a Portfolio:
- Allows the assessment of complicated and essential aspects of education that cannot be evaluated through the common methods of examination
- Gives an outline of the learner’s strengths, maturity and improvement. works as a communication channel for the exchange of ideas and feedback among the pupils, teachers and the administrators and can even be used to compare achievements across different classrooms or even schools.
- Assists the development of self-assessment in the learners and helps them identify their strengths and flaws thereby supporting practical improvement goals. The active part that the children play in self-examining their accomplishments motivates them while helping develop metacognitive skills which will empower them to make adjustments in their school learning and beyond.
- Presents a chance to share and review with peers and give feedback on each other’s work. Peer-Assessment hence further expedites a clear perception and evaluation of personal goals.
- This is why a portfolio serves to establish a collective vision of goals and a holistic view of the student’s learning while increasing responsibility and committing to enriched schooling and education. Allowing a survey of the curriculum may also be seen as a means for curriculum improvement.
How To Create A Portfolio?
- It is extremely essential to know why a portfolio is being created because the portfolio becomes a simple list of the student’s work without a purpose.
- The portfolios should be a continuation of subjectwise journals including classwork and study assignments to help evaluate the learner’s progress. The portfolio should also be a space for the students to display their exemplary work in relevant areas.
- Attention should be on promoting techniques such as footnotes, associating keywords/themes, summarization and organization of ideas and content.
- The catalogue of creative work evidence that demonstrates processing skills and improvement of critical thinking includes problem-solving merit as well.
- A periodic review of the data included in the portfolio will expedite self-assessment by students making them more aware of their learning strengths and weaknesses.
- The portfolio also provides a chance for learners to share and comment on each other’s work. Such peer assessment promotes understanding of good work among the students. Initially, this self & peer assessment will be a supervised effort.
Portfolio Assessment
- Student portfolios can be efficiently assessed using simple relevant criteria. The criteria to be used in deciding the quality of distinct student portfolios need to be carefully developed and shared with the students. The key elements of the criteria should be specified as well.
Suggested elements to judge student portfolio:
- Completeness – Inclusive record of all relevant guided work.
- Development – Evidence of a student’s growth.
- Organization – Tidiness and Visual Appeal.
Teachers can also include other subject relevant criteria and elements to assess portfolios.
A Word of Caution: Portfolios should be developed in an easy-to-manage form. They should be meaningful yet simple and accessible. Developing them should not be a burden on students in any form both in terms of value and time.